FDFA Supplier Member Benefits

Building a Foundation of Excellence in the Canadian Duty Free Industry

The Frontier Duty Free Association membership is the forefront of all our decisions and goals. Our trade association represents 125 duty free owners/operators, supplier members and associate membership. At the FDFA, our goal is to connect and communicate our various member groups so that a true synergy continuously exists amongst our industry leaders.

FDFA is committed to representing our membership by maintaining high profile relationships and dialogue with government officials, developing national marketing programs, fostering relationships with strategic industry stakeholder partners, hosting the annual duty free convention and other social events that celebrate our unique industry, providing timely news and key industry statistics that is relevant, and continuously providing programs and services to increase our members professional expertise.

FDFA Advocacy

Government relations has always been an important aspect of FDFA’s work, and maintaining positive relationships with politicians from all parties is a central tenant of the association. FDFA is committed to its advocacy work, specifically with its meetings with government officials as well as meetings with other stakeholders in the industry. Through our government relations activities, the FDFA voices industry concerns and communicates our message through all levels of government. Due to our store’s close proximity to the border, our government relations activities can range from border related issues, to tourism and small businesses.

Connecting our Suppliers

With almost 100 supplier companies that represent this important FDFA member segment, the FDFA works hard to ensure the supplier’s business needs and important connections within our industry are continuously met. Since our supplier members represent a variety of products sold everyday at duty free stores, this member segment can rely on the FDFA to assist in their business development needs. We are proud to service our suppliers to facilitate information, provide them timely statistics and create business relationship opportunities. As we evolve as an industry association, it is a priority to understand our supplier issues and develop sound solutions that meets all of our members’ objectives.

Membership Access Counts

Through our Members only FDFA website, our members have a central online portal to access at any time, key Canadian duty free specific information ranging from our duty free membership contacts, key archived sales and traffic statistics, professional development speeches and resources, award winning duty free marketing and student scholarship archived submissions, full annual convention resource platform, and so much more.

Our Convention and the Opportunities

The FDFA convention is a place for members to come together and support the industry while building relationships and brands, based on key pillars of value and growth. FDFA’s mission is to provide value for all members by creating a forum where suppliers and operators meet to share ideas that will move their businesses forward.

Association Communications

FDFA disseminates an e-newsletter to keep you informed about association and industry news. The e-newsletter keeps members up to date on recent advocacy efforts as well as upcoming events in addition to highlighting member best practices.

Social media activities have been a huge success in increasing member communication and developing relationships with suppliers.


@FDFAInsider shares industry related messages to amplify our voice and support advocacy efforts.  FDFA often receives retweets from stakeholders and public officials.

@CanadaDutyFree is a place for FDFA members to speak more directly to consumers and offer product information, tips and tricks and border/duty information the public needs to know.

Our Members - Your Industry voice

The Frontier Duty Free Association was established over 40 years ago with the vision to act as the voice of the Canadian Land Border Duty Free Industry. Our founding pioneers were forward thinking leaders, who recognized that the future success of the duty free industry was to create a collaborative voice of duty free store owners that would allow the industry to grow expeditiously. It is that same thinking that still prevails amongst today’s Canadian duty free leadership team.